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June 16: #23 Book your next tattoo appointment (try to get it today)

Phil: Unrelated, but somewhat related -- someone stole $100 from me today. That made it pretty hard to stomach scheduling a tattoo appointment. I have yet to lock in the concrete date, but I did finally send out an email to two different artists, assuming one of them gets back to me. That really is the biggest step. I also decided on something that might look cool and actually had sentimental meaning to me -- rather than something silly like Cornholio in a Victorian frame. Yes that is on my right leg. Life changes via Challenging Days.

Bruce: It is coming up on two years since my last tattoo, A lot of people reached out to me with tattoo shop and artist suggestions on Facebook today but I’m sticking with my beloved friend Elly Cornwell in Queens, I haven’t seen her in a while and she’s done my last 3 tattoos and I’d love to support my friends. I’m set up for Monday the 25th so it’s still happening this month! Going to get a mantra I wrote years ago that I’ve been signing letters, emails and in notebooks “Always Be loving. Always love being.”. It’s something I always want to remember and share, and it’s especially relevant for me lately as I seek to be compassionate and empathetic as well as struggle to stay afloat in a particularly tempestuous headspace. Photo updates to follow!

Tomorrow's challenge: #21 attend a yoga or meditation class

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